Max de Radiguès: Frangins

Sarbacane 2019.
School edition (french, with online-exercises): Frangins.
Klett Sprachen 2020.

Hugo had expected something different from his holidays in southern France. Originally it was planned as a father-son vacation. But at the first rest-stop on their journey, his father reveals that his new girl-friend Valérie and her son Michel would be there, too. Hugo is furious: he is convinced that Michel cannot stand him. He is unable to keep pouting for long, but when Michel arrives, all his fears seem justified. Max de Radiguès focusses again and again in his illustrations on Hugo’s facial expressions, and with just a few words reveals the inner feelings of the insecure thirteen-year-old. And the holiday? Much better than expected. Hugo and Michel stumble into an adventure. By force of circumstances, they spend a lonely night next to a campfire and confess to one another their greatest secrets, worries and fears. Together they realize it is actually not so bad to have an “almost brother”. (Age: 12+)