Malinda Lo, USA

Malinda Lo was born in Guangzhou, China. Following her family’s emigration to the USA she grew up in Colorado. She currently lives in Massachusetts. After earning a master’s degree in East Asian Studies at Harvard University and another master’s in cultural anthropology at Stanford University, Malinda Lo began a career in journalism, writing with a focus on topics and issues of the LGBT community for various publications.

Ever since her literary debut titled “Ash” in 2009, a lesbian re-telling of “Cinderella”, Malinda Lo has written several (fantasy) novels, non-fiction books, and short stories. “Last night at the Telegraph Club” is the first of her novels to be translated into German. Set in the 1950s in the Chinese-American section of San Francisco, this coming-out story was developed from a short story she had written for an anthology about queer teenagers. Among other awards, it won the National Book Award. The author is a co-initator of “Diversity in YA”, a website that promotes visibility of diversity in young adult literature.

The events with Malinda Lo are moderated by her translator, Beate Schäfer, a free-lance editor, literary translator and writing coach.

To „Last Night at the Telegraph Club“ from Malinda Lo

© Photo: Sharona Jakobs