Micaela Chirif, Peru

Micaela Chirif was born in 1973 in Lima, Peru, where she still lives, quite close to the ocean. She studied philosophy at the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, and children’s and youth literature at the Autonomous University of Barcelona in Spain. Michaela Chirif has won several awards for her creative writing, including the Premio Hispanoamericano de Poesía para Niños for her 11-part prose poem “El mar” (The ocean). Three of her books have been included in annual editions of “The White Ravens”, the catalogue of book recommendations published by the International Youth Library.

Whether a picture book about animals in Peru, a moving story about the death of a loved one, or, as in her current work, about the ocean as a living space in all its depth and diversity: Micaela Chirif combines (children’s) literature, poetry, and topical issues into a fascinating whole. Her poetic-philosophical explorations are both novel and enigmatic while allowing leeway and expanse for one’s own associations.

The events with Micaela Chirif are moderated by her translator, Jochen Weber, head of language sections at the International Youth Library.

To „El Mar“ from Micaela Chirif

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